Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Old Skool DQ

The Golden Birthday

Yesteday was my 23rd birthday on Feb 23. The Golden one. The attendees are shown above.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Snow on the Pines

Just a quick pic a took of the douglas firs I set outside the left side of the porch. Some folks were pitchin em in a dumpster down the street so Wilba and I salvaged them. Now when you walk out of my house if you look to the left you see to pine tree's and doesn't seem like your in the city so much.

Look out for those sneaky Leprechauns

This was insane there was this crazy hurricane wind rain storm that come through and made trees bend in half and then it was over with in like 2 min. But it left this awesome rainbow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mad River MTN.

Went up to Mad River Mountain with Chris, Ciara, Stiver & his girl. A much needed funday/ break from the academic consraints of being a college student. Hit the park for a couple hours, worked on some progression. Stiver took some cool shoots, check em`.

Pinus strobus 'Torulosa'- Contored White Pine A.K.A. The Coolest Freakin Evergreen Growin!

  • Conifer, evergreen tree, needles much twisted and to a lesser degree the branches.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 3
  • Jacobson (1996) states that this selection was introduced in about 1977 and, therefore, the cultivar name is invalid since "latinized" cultivar names have been forbidden since 1959. This selection apparently is often confused with the older and much rarer selection, ‘Contorta’ (Contorted White Pine), which was named in 1931. ‘Contorta’ is described as having a twisted trunk, branches and young shoots ascending and twisted, and needles densely arranged, 5-8 cm long, and cones 4-7 cm long (Krüssmann, 1985).